Creative Digital Media
11% of all employment opportunities are in the creative industries. It is vital that we prepare our young people for the future of creative industries, the courses we offer enable our students to develop a hands on or digital skill and be work ready.
At KS4 students study level 2 qualifications in -
BTEC Creative Media TV & Film Production Level 2 for 3 hrs per week
GCSE Art & Design Graphics for 3 hrs per week
GCSE Photography for 3 hrs per week
The above courses complement each other to enable students to transfer skills and knowledge across courses.
At KS5 students study Level 3 qualifications in –
BTEC Level 3 in creative Media Practice – specialising in TV & Film production for 6 hrs per week.
A-Level Art & Design Graphics for 6 hrs per week
A-Level Photography for 6 hrs per week
The above courses at College (Level 3) standard give students a breadth of skills that enable progression to university, Level 4 apprenticeships or straight into employment in the creative industries. Student regularly move onto the most prestigious of universities with 64% of our creative cohort receiving unconditional offers. This suite of qualifications gives you all the skills you need to start your creative career.
creative digital media curriculum pathway
curriculum pathway map cdm.pdf