NEWS, INFO & Activities

NEWS, INFO & Activities

Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio School

Arrangements for supporting students with SEN in a transfer between phases of education or in prep for adulthood

At DAES we recognise the difficult decisions or circumstances that may have led to a change of school at a non-typical point of entry, in Year 9. So, with this in mind we offer extensive and personalised transition packages, before you even start with us in Septemeber. These include; Key Stage co-ordinator host open events throughout the year to welcome potential Year 9 & Year 12 students. Individual visits to DAES can be arranged, where appropriate.

DAES works hard to ensure all available data about the student from previous school is collected and where appropriate used, from the date of enrolment.
Where students are choosing to attend a different post 16 provider, support will be given to ensure their transition is smooth and supported by the receiving setting.
Attending University interviews and taster days will be supported where necessary, and absence coded appropriately. For students needing a little extra support to build their independence we offer a bespoke program including life skills, community projects and travel training.